Monday, April 11, 2011

Getting Social

This weekend, an organization I am a part of, the Beth Wood Chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America at Indiana University, hosted 200 students from throughout the Midwest for the PRSSA Region 9 Conference.

The IU Chapter has 151 members that are primarily students in the School of Journalism focusing their degrees in public relations, but this event was planned by a committee of more than 20 of the Chapter's most dedicated members who had been working together since August. The committee brought in 15 social media and public relations professionals from across the eastern United States for breakout sessions, keynote addresses and networking events.

Students were encouraged to tweet, post and friend throughout the weekend, all in hopes of "getting social" and having a better understanding of how to use social media. The Twitter hash-tag "#GetSocialPRSSA" was lighting up Twitter over the weekend with commentary coming from the different sessions and a feed of tweets constantly rolling on a projector. One person wrote in, "It's awesome to be in a lecture hall and be encouraged to be on your phone. #GetSocialPRSSA."

Special congratulations to the planning committee and thanks to all who attended!

Monday, April 4, 2011

On Your Marks, Get Set, Go!

The Indiana University Alumni Association hosted its Fifth Annual IU Mini Marathon and 5K. Since the race was started in 2006 as a way to raise money for students who are cancer survivors, the Mini Marathon has had more than 10,000 participants and raised more than $100,000 in scholarships for IU students!

IUB students and community members, as well as runners from all over the region, were on-hand for the 5K and 13.1 mile races, the first participants crossing the half marathon finish just after 1:15:00. As the weather warms up (yesterday was a gorgeous and sunny 50+ degrees!), it means it is 5K season, and there will always be a reason to get out, start your Saturday early and get in a good, competitive run!