Welcome back and Happy New Years! The approximately 50 degree drop in temperature from the time I boarded my airplane back home to when I got off the plane here in the Midwest was quite a shock. Yet, the gorgeous view I witnessed when I got back to Bloomington Sunday night, and saw the sun setting over campus and glistening off the snow was something else.
After trekking around campus in the snow yesterday, I was ready for some indoor fun with my friends following a long day of classes. We gathered at my friend Stan's house, for some homemade soup and games. We ended up splitting into teams for Disney Scene-It for an hour of heated family-friendly movie trivia.
Many old movie clips later, my team lost by three spaces, to a duo who could repeat the script to "The Sword In The Stone" from memory on a moments notice. The rematch has already been set, Harry Potter Clue in a few weeks. This time, I'm bringing my A-Game.
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